
Thank You.

Thank You.

So on this fine Thanksgiving Day 2014, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to all and everyone that has been a part of my life since the last Thanksgiving Day. Thank you! It’s been a heck of a ride so far, and while I know I can have the tendency to seemingly drift in and out of existence, please know that you are the fuel that drives me. Your wonderful posts, your shares, your ideas, your visions, your words, your companionship, your encouragements and exposed vulnerabilities…your humanity is the source of all my energy.

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Thanks To Rick Sammon & Juan Pons, The Resolution Becomes The Focus. Hello 2014!

PCH_Deer_Sunset_Silhouette_Samsung_NX300_Wasim Muklashy Photography I cannot think of a better way to start off a new year! Woke up this morning to hear the great Rick Sammon and Juan Pons saying “he uploads some incredible work on the DPE community website” (at the 1:08:18 mark) on the latest episode of The Digital Photo Experience podcast. They were introducing the image above, "Family Time," one you’re already familiar with if you follow this blog or me on Google Plus, that I uploaded to the show’s Google Plus community with hopes of being chosen as one of their critiques.

That’s the 3rd image critique by these heavy-hitters in the past 12 months that I’ve been humbled with, further validating, at least to me, that after more than 3 decades of life-defining (and psyche-altering) mistake after another, I may finally be doing something right!! 2013 was definitely what I’d consider my breakout year in photography as I’ve finally become comfortable with myself, what I have learned, and what I have yet to learn. It’s like a switch hit me at some point in the sense of, when I used to not know something or get it wrong, I would get frustrated. Now, and I’m not sure if it’s a matter of confidence or if it’s simply naive excitement at realizing that it’s more fun when you struggle through something and finally get it right…there’s more value to that, so now (in most cases at least…) instead of marinating in frustration, that thought comes and goes within a split second, being replaced by, oh well, now I know better, I can practice that

And with that, thanks to Rick and Juan, I finally have my New Years Resolution…roll with it, and invite everything as a learning experience. God knows I know we all go through really tough times and we all go through really good times. We have lonely moments in which we believe we are alone in a world of 7 billion humans, and we have overwhelming moments reminding us that we really never alone. It’s reallllly easy to fall into the trap of sulking in the negativity, especially when you convince yourself that there’s no way out, making it way too convenient to overshadow the good, but it seems to be just that simple switch in your mind that you have to hit that transforms sulking into exploring - exploring your thoughts, your feelings, your ideas, and how and what you need to do to learn from your explorations and come out the other end with an idea of to correct it or turn it into a learning experience. At the very least an idea of what not to do and what you don’t want in your life. In other words, to look at things not as setbacks, but as challenges to overcome.

So after spending New Years Eve alone on the couch with a glass of scotch, the remnants of a nagging cold, and Anthony Bourdain’s book “A Cook’s Tour - In Search Of The Perfect Meal” (a real paper book!), in which the colorfully eloquent rebel chef travels the grittiest corners of the world in pursuit of his true passion, that one thing that brings people together like nothing else - the perfect meal - I woke up to a reminder of what life is all about…the journey, the search, the experiences, the ups and the downs, that keep us in pursuit of our true passions - learning what (and sometimes who) to hold onto, and what (and of course, who) to let go of.

So thank you everyone for being such an inspirational and positive part of my journey in 2013, and thanks to all who who graciously allowed me to be a part of yours.

And with that, I will leave you with a quote from a very good friend:

“May the high point of 2013 be the low point of 2014…”

Boom! Let’s do this thing!

Here are the rest of images from the series that "Family Time" came from, all shot on the Samsung NX300:

Happy Holly Daze And All That Good Stuff!

So as so many of us begin to comfortably tuck away into some corner of the world to celebrate holidays and time with our loved ones and bid farewell to one year and salutations to another, just wanted to send out a warm and happy holiday greeting to all you beautiful peoples! Thank you SO much for being a major part of one of the most encouraging years of my photographic journey. I made some of the best images I feel I’ve made to date, from the epic winter journey to Yosemite to the summer adventure to Yosemite to the 3 Utah and Colorado National Parks road trip to the San Francisco madness, the podcast photo critiques to the National Park “Spirit of the Mountain” Photo Contest to the billboards in Scotland and the Beef Jerky labels in Topanga, selling my first ever proper art prints that are now hanging on walls in two different countries, and through to having the honor of being asked to join the Samsung Imagelogger program. It’s been pretty crazy. A year of milestones and growth for myself that I haven’t ever experienced before.

I feel truly blessed and grateful for the wonderful community and friends that I have made here and everywhere. You are all some of the most inspiring and creative and beautiful people I’ve ever come in contact with and our relationships mean more to me than you can imagine. I’m so glad you were able to share in these moments with me and that you have allowed me to share in your moments as well, moments that have certainly run across the emotional gamut. You’ve more than pushed me and kept me moving when I didn’t think I wanted to and I can only hope to have provided you a smile or a thought every now and again. It’s been an absolute blast and cannot wait to see where we take it from here.

So 2013, we had our ups, and we definitely had our downs, we had some bad times, but made up for them with some really good times and good people, so thank you, peace out…it was fun.


For more of my madness: Instagram: @wasimofnazareth Twitter: @wasimofnazareth Google+: Facebook:

I'm Feeling It And I Had To Spread It Around...(No, Not The Flu!)

Fall_Autumn_Trees_Colors_Mulholland_Highway_Malibu I just wanted to drop a quick post before this long holiday weekend to thank each and every one of you for helping to enrich the past year beyond belief. The friendships and relationships I’ve made here and beyond have sat at the core of my motivation and inspiration to keep doing what this each and every single day. With each shutter click and word typed, I am filled with absolute gratitude that I have a chance to do this and such wonderful beautiful people to share it all with. In a particularly rough last few years, when I needed it absolute most, your work and words and actions have inspired me incredibly and add an element to life that I can only hope everyone can experience to at least some degree.

It’s the essence of what keeps me going.

It’s the essence of what keeps humanity going…

each other.

So thanks again for everything. Your encouragement and support are SO insanely appreciated and I can only hope I've been able to offer back even a sliver of that. I cannot wait to see what the next year holds for us all. Now get off the computer/tablet/phone/glass/smoke-signals and go be with the ones who make it all worthwhile. And make sure to let them know as much!! Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it! And to those around the world that don’t, ignore this post…JUST KIDDING! No joke. Thank you all! To the utmost degree!

Much love,
