Anyone growing up in this cursed generation ought to consider themselves awfully lucky. Yes, yes, you look at the news, you see the papers, you hear the polar bears cryin’, the Middle East bleeding, and the religious zealots choking on their own excrement, and it’s hard to immediately agree, but consider many generations can rightfully claim being witness to the unlikely birth, the uncontrollably rapid rise, and the glorious apex of arguably the world’s most influential musical genre?
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UCLA's Hammer Museum finds itself in a position to merge popular culture with aspects of the global subculture in such a way that presents both of them as indispensible parts of each other. They’ve tapped into this age of edge by truly 'seeking' out quality rather than simply 'settling' for what we're commonly given. To find such notable aspects of our future culture, one has no choice but to cut up the cookie cutter and relish in the surprising satisfaction that comes with the process of discovery.
Dig into the underground.
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Guantanamo's Orange Suit City is America's 8th largest metropolis, we have 11,000 TV stations all programmed by Rupert Murdoch's wired brain preserves, and President Jeb Bush is buddy buddy with President bin Laden of Eurasia. This is Greg Palast's report from the future.
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"For me, being on stage...that is my release...that is my buzz...that is my drive...that is how I raise my I get my blood flowing!" -Maxim
The Prodigy are on a mission. An expertly strategized and skillfully manipulated mission to resurrect the freak flag and catapult crowds into frenzy, it’s still their time, it’s Their Law.
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