An Afternoon Admiring Ansel Adams At The J. Paul Getty Museum

So for those of you not in my Google+ orbit, I wanted to share a set of images made last week when I went to check out the Ansel Adams exhibit at the The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California. While we were prohibited from taking pictures in the exhibit itself for very valid reasons, I highly recommend checking it out if you're around...standing in front of a perfect silver gelatin print of "Winter Sunrise" almost brought me to my knees. I found myself walking back in and out 3 different times for that particular image. In any case, after the exhibit, I was able to spend a few hours in the gorgeous gardens that are nestled in the middle of the property between all the buildings, and that's where I was able to make these images. This marks the second outing in which I ditched the DSLR in favor of a strictly mirrorless camera kit, the trusty shiny happy Samsung NX30. Can’t say I regretted it…one single tiny bit. Loving this mini-beast! Click through the break to see the gallery...

In case you missed my first set of mirrorless camera images from a whale watching outing a few weeks ago, click here if you'd like to check them out.

For more of my madness: Instagram: @wasimofnazareth Twitter: @wasimofnazareth Google+: Facebook: