Bad Days Are The New Good Days! Thanks For The Reminder Photofocus!

So I know you've probably already seen enough of this set of images, but, well, too bad! Ha! An image from this series keeps getting around one way or another - this time absolutely humbling me by showing up on the homepage for as this week's 'Featured Image.' This is Scott Bourne, Richard Harrington, Melissa Niu and company! It's madness! Check it out:


The crazy thing is, I thought I was having a bad day that day when I just needed to get out and away so jumped in my car for that ride up the coast where I ran into these buggers on that hill. If it wasn't for that 'bad day,' I would have never been able to make these images, rendering that day not a bad day after all - it actually turned out to be one of the best days of the year. Just another one of life's funny reminders that you never ever ever ever ever know what's going to happen and why things happen the way they do. Whether a frown or a smile, just roll with it...after all, neither lasts, but one of them is always sure to return...

Can't wait for my next bad day!!